Contribute to EcoLit Books

Are you passionate about environmental and animal literature?

Perhaps you’d like to provide reviews of books that have inspired you.

We welcome book reviews that examine works on these topics in all genres, from fiction to poetry to nonfiction. That said, we are not looking for submissions of “one off” book reviews and we will not respond to these submissions.

We are looking for contributors who plan to post a new review every few months.

Our focus is on “new” environmental literature, that is, literature that is forward-looking and does not glamorize hunting, fishing or other extractive activities. The founders of EcoLit Books are vegan, so that should give you some indication of what we’re all about.

To apply to become a contributor, please complete this form. And please spend some time reading the book reviews to get a feel for the books we select.

And feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Are you a writer of environmental literature?

If so, subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll update you periodically on new opportunities as we find them. Also, check out our growing list of outlets for environmental writing.

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