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The Warmth of Our Own Wisdom: An Earth Joy Summer Workshop


Release the Dark, Receive the Light: An Earth Joy Writing Winter Workshop


Being Brave, Becoming Balanced: An Earth Joy Writing Autumn Workshop


Sowing Your Seeds: An Earth Joy Spring Writing Workshop


A Year of Earth Joy Writing, with Cassie Premo Steele

This two-part class will share the ins and outs of writing someone else, focusing on writing other species. We’ll read, pre-write, write, revise, and craft.

Writing Like an Animals

Writing Like an Animal: A Persona Poem Class, with Gretchen Primack

This two-part class will share the ins and outs of writing someone else, focusing on writing other species. We’ll read, pre-write, write, revise, and craft.

Writing for Animals: 4-week writing program. Live via Zoom.

Writing for Animals: A 4-Week Writing Program (Live via Zoom)

Writing for Animals: A self-paced writing program

Writing for Animals: A Self-Paced Writing Program

Writing for Animals is a self-paced writing program designed to help writers become more effective advocates for animals.

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