We’ve compiled a list of publications devoted in large part to eco-literature — essays, articles, short stories, poetry.
Last updated on June 23, 2024.
To be notified when new publications are added to the list, subscribe to our monthly newsletter:
- About Place Journal (www.aboutplacejournal.org)
- African Conservation Telegraph (https://conbio.org/groups/sections/africa/act)
- Alluvian (www.alluvian.space)
- Alterity (www.alteritystudies.org/alterity-journal)
- Newly Added: Ambient Receiver (www.ambientreceiver.org)
- Among Animals (An anthology series from Ashland Creek Press)
- Anabiosis Press (www.anabiosispress.org)
- Antennae (www.antennae.org.uk)
- Anthropocene Magazine (www.anthropocenemagazine.org)
- Anthroposphere: The Oxford Climate Review (www.anthroposphere.co.uk)
- Arcadiana: A blog about literature, culture and the environment (www.arcadiana.easlce.eu)
- Art after Nature (a forthcoming book series)
- Artis Natura (www.artisnatura.com)
- Ashland Creek Press (www.ashlandcreekpress.com)
- Beaver Magazine (www.beavermag.org)
- Camas (www.umt.edu/camas)
- Canary (www.hippocketpress.com/canary)
- Caught by the River (www.caughtbytheriver.net)
- Center for Humans and Nature (www.humansandnature.org)
- Channel (www.channelmag.org)
- Cirque: A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim (www.cirquejournal.com)
- Claw & Blossom (clawandblossom.com)
- Cold Mountain Review (www.coldmountainreview.org)
- Dark Mountain (https://dark-mountain.net)
- Deep Wild Journal (www.deepwildjournal.com)
- Dragonfly.eco (www.dragonfly.eco)
- Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities (www.ecocene.kapadokya.edu.tr)
- EcoHustler (www.ecohustler.co.uk)
- Ecological Citizen (www.ecologicalcitizen.net)
- EcoTheo (www.ecotheo.org)
- Ecotone (www.ecotonemagazine.org)
- Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment (www.ecozona.eu)
- Edge Effects (https://edgeeffects.net)
- Elsewhere (www.elsewhere-journal.com)
- Elementum (www.elementumjournal.com)
- Emagazine (www.emagazine.com)
- Emergence Magazine (www.emergencemagazine.org)
- Environmental Humanities (https://read.dukeupress.edu/environmental-humanities)
- Epizootics (www.epizooticszine.wordpress.com)
- Ferns: The Graduate Journal on Environmental Stewardship (www.fernsjournal.com)
- Flycatcher (www.flycatcherjournal.org)
- Flyway (www.flywayjournal.org)
- Gaia Lit (https://gaialit.weebly.com)
- Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism (www.tandfonline.com/loi/rgrl20)
- Grist (www.grist.org)
- Hakai Magazine (www.hakaimagazine.com)
- High Country News (www.hcn.org)
- Honeyguide Magazine (www.honeyguidemag.com)
- Humana Obscura (www.humanaobscura.com)
- Humanamalia (www.depauw.edu/site/humanimalia)
- Newly Added: Imagine5 (www.imagine5.com)
- ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (www.asle.org/research-write/isle-journal)
- Journal of Critical Animal Studies (http://journalforcriticalanimalstudies.org)
- Journal of Sustainability Education (www.journalofsustainabilityeducation.com)
- Journal of Wild Culture (www.wildculture.com)
- Kelp Journal (www.kelpjournal.com)
- Kosmos Journal (www.kosmosjournal.org)
- Liminal Spaces (www.liminalspacesmagazine.com)
- Literary Veganism: An Online Journal (www.litvegan.net)
- Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing (https://manoa.hawaii.edu/manoajournal)
- Media + Environment (https://mediaenviron.org)
- Newfound (www.newfoundjournal.org)
- Northern Woodlands Magazine (www.northernwoodlands.org)
- ON Nature (www.onnaturemagazine.com)
- Orion Magazine (www.orionmagazine.org)
- Otherness: Essays and Stories (www.otherness.dk/journal)
- Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature (www.panoramajournal.org)
- Paperbark Literary Magazine (www.paperbarkmag.org)
- Paperboats (www.paperboats.org)
- Peaceful Dumpling (www.peacefuldumpling.com)
- Permaculture Magazine (www.permaculture.co.uk)
- Plant-Human Quarterly (www.otherwisecollective.com)
- Plants & Poetry Journal (www.plantsandpoetry.org/journal)
- Newly Added: Plumwood Mountain Journal (www.plumwoodmountain.com)
- Poecology (www.poecology.org)
- Punt Volat (www.puntvolatlit.com)
- Places Journal (www.placesjournal.org)
- Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics (www.plumwoodmountain.com)
- Reckoning (www.reckoning.press)
- Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities (www.resiliencejournal.org)
- Resurgence & Ecologist (www.resurgence.org)
- Saltfront: Studies in Human Habit(at) (www.saltfront.org)
- Sierra Magazine (www.sierramagazine.org)
- Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies (For undergraduate students: www.animalsandsociety.org/pages/sloth)
- Snowy Egret (www.snowyegret.net)
- Solarpunk Magazine (www.solarpunkmagazine.com)
- Stonecoast Review (www.stonecoastreview.org)
- Stonecrop Review (www.stonecropreview.com)
- Terrain (www.terrain.org)
- The Clearing (www.littletoller.co.uk/the-clearing)
- Columbia Insight (www.columbiainsight.org)
- TELLŪS | Letteratura, Ecologia, Paesaggio (in Italian) (www.zestletteraturasostenibile.com)
- The Common (www.thecommononline.org)
- The Curlew (www.the-curlew.com)
- The Fourth River (www.thefourthriver.com)
- Newly Added: The Future Fire (www.futurefire.net)
- The Goose (http://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose)
- The Hopper (www.hoppermag.org)
- The Learned Pig (www.thelearnedpig.org)
- The Plant-Human Quarterly (https://otherwisecollective.com)
- The Siskiyou Prize for New Environmental Literature (www.siskiyouprize.com)
- The Tiger Moth Review (www.thetigermothreview.com)
- The Trumpeter: (http://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/index.php/trumpet)
- The Willowherb Review (www.willowherbreview.com)
- Tiny Seed Literary Journal (www.tinyseedjournal.com)
- Trace: A Journal of Writing, Media and Ecology (www.tracejournal.net)
- Trace: Journal for Human-Animal Studies (https://trace.journal.fi)
- Newly Added: Unearthed (www.unearthedesf.com)
- Whole Terrain (www.wholeterrain.com)
- Wild Hope Magazine (www.wildhope.org)
- Wild Roof Journal (wildroofjournal.com)
- Words for the Wild (www.wordsforthewild.co.uk)
- Writers on the Range (www.writersontherange.org)
- Zygote Quarterly (www.zqjournal.org)
If we’ve missed something, please let us know.
The journals below have ceased publication (to the best of our knowledge) but we hold out hope for a return:
- Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine (www.animalliterarymagazine.com)
- Gull (www.gullzine.com)
- Kudzu House Quarterly (www.kudzuhouse.org)
- Matador Review (www.matadorreview.com)
- Sinking City (www.sinkingcitylitmag.com)
- The Bear Deluxe (www.orlo.org)
- The Island Review (www.theislandreview.com)
- Windfall: A Journal of Poetry and Place (www.windfalljournal.com)
- The Willowherb Review (www.willowherbreview.com) – Still available to read.
- Zoomorphic (www.zoomorphic.net)