Virtual event: Tracing Pathways to Positive Climate Futures

Here is an interesting (and free) virtual event happening on January 16th at Noon Pacific time — a book launch for the Climate Action Almanac, presented by Arizona State University’s Center for Science and the Imagination and the ClimateWorks Foundation.


Kim Stanley Robinson
Climate fiction author, The Ministry for the Future and New York 2140

Libia Brenda
Author, De qué silencio vienes
Climate Imagination Fellow, Arizona State University

Benjamin Ong
Author, The Backyard Before You
Ecologist, educator, and science/nature writer

Vandana Singh
Author, Ambiguity Machines and Other Stories and Utopias of the Third Kind
Climate Imagination Fellow, Arizona State University

Jason Anderson
Senior Program Director, ClimateWorks Foundation


Ed Finn
Coeditor, The Climate Action Almanac
Director, Center for Science and the Imagination

Click here to learn more and register.

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