Catch up on our recent event

Ashland Creek Press was thrilled to host Reading Animals/Writing Animals, sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Writers’ Union of Canada, with Siskiyou Prize winner and Among Animals 3 contributor Nadja Lubiw-Hazard — and we’re delighted to present a recording of the event. The live event on Wednesday, May 24, was filled …

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The best environmental books we’ve read in 2022

Philosopher Albert Camus summed it up best when he wrote: “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” The books we’ve highlighted below include a number of writers, including our reviewers, who are trying to do just that. We hope you enjoy the reviews and that you support these amazing writers. …

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Help us surpass 100 literary outlets for environmental literature

If you’ve visited our slowly growing list of environmental literary (and journalistic) outlets, you’ll have noticed that we’ve been approaching 100 for the past few months. As of today we’re at 99 journals and magazines. I know there are others out there — and if you have something to add please send a link my …

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A new environmental journal Springs to life

As a fan of the Rachel Carson Center I was excited to see the recent launch of the first edition of Springs, their new environmental journal: The Rachel Carson Center (RCC) is pleased to announce the launch of Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review. Our new open-access online publication features peer-reviewed articles, creative nonfiction, and artistic contributions that …

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Writing Opportunity: Our Ocean’d Earth

Here’s an opportunity to be a part of a very special anthology… The call is for nonfiction or fiction writing that conveys one clear and unified message: that our oceans are worth fighting for. To help restore a culture of inspiration and reverence towards Earth’s oceans we are looking for masterfully woven stories from a range of perspectives—from marine …

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Green Stories short story competition

Here’s a short story contest worth looking into (and free to submit)… Often when promoting waste reduction and reduction of high-energy activities, such as running hot water, we come up against health and safety issues. Some of these are valid, but many are misinformed. This is a targeted competition aimed at using an engaging fictional …

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Understories Writers’ Workshop is now taking applications

Before you read further, please note that this opportunity is intended for scholars and educators in Environmental Humanities. I’m not but, reading this, I wish I was… The University of Oregon Center for Environmental Futures is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the fourth annual Understories Writers’ Workshop in the Environmental …

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Ecofiction on Reddit

Our good friend Mary Woodbury has created a subreddit devoted to Ecofiction: A place to find meaningful fictional stories about our natural world and humanity’s connection with it. The subreddit explores the wild, crazy, and breathtaking literary trail of ecofiction. Our motto is “blowing your mind with wild words and worlds.” We hope to raise …

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The Nature of Cities Festival 2022

In less than two weeks the virtual The Nature of Cities Festival begins. The event is designed and run by The Nature of Cities, a registered not-for-profit based in New York. And, like the name says, it is focused on “building cities that are better for nature and all people.” The festival will be held March …

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Residency opportunities for writers in Iowa, Oregon and New Mexico

We’ve mentioned these amazing residencies in the past but deadlines are coming up for the year ahead and I wanted to mention them again — also since I suspect many of us are eager to go somewhere, anywhere…  Friends of Lakeside Lab 2020 Writer in Residence (Iowa) As in the past, the residencies will take …

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