PANK Magazine is now accepting works (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrid) for a special issue: Environmental Futures Folio, guest edited by Aram Mrjoian. Here’s the call:
The health and sustainability of our environment continues to be threatened and detrimentally harmed in real time. This folio is a call for art that not only considers imagined futures, but also confronts present consequences of climate change. Send your optimistic daydreams or your apocalyptic screeds, your utopias and dystopias, your environmental experiences and speculations. Hybrid work that simultaneously focuses on the subject matter and reimagines the environment of craft is also encouraged. In his essay “‘Pure Craft’ Is a Lie,” Matthew Salesses notes “There’s a lot of work left to do to open up craft to writers beyond the cis, straight, white, able, middle-class (etc.) literary establishment.” Send innovations across genre or that combine genres to fight polluted traditions and conventions, push against axiomatic writing solutions, and envision new literary ecosystems.
Learn more on Submittable. (end on March 1, 2021)
John is co-author, with Midge Raymond, of the Tasmanian mystery Devils Island. He is also author of the novels The Tourist Trail and Where Oceans Hide Their Dead. Co-founder of Ashland Creek Press and editor of Writing for Animals (also now a writing program).