New and forthcoming environmental books (September 2024)

Here are a number of recently published or about-to-be-published books that have come across our desks. Love Story with Birds By Derek Furr “Let us be at a loss for words,” writes Derek Furr in Love Story with Birds. He writes this, as he writes everything in this collection of his stories, poems, and essays, with an …

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Writing Opportunity: Unearthed Literary Journal

Another opportunity to pass along! We invite writers, poets, artists, and creatives to submit to our upcoming Spring 2024 issue, exploring the themes of resurgence, restoration, and renewal. We encourage you to interpret the theme broadly. We welcome fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art, photo essays, and short films that attend to places of quiet resurgence, …

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Writing Opportunity: Climate Stories in Action

A great new opportunity for writers passionate about changing the world for the better — and I’d say that includes all readers of EcoLit Books… A partnership between and the Spring Creek Project:  The “Climate Stories in Action” series will expand our vision of climate activism and help people imagine meaningful ways to be involved. We …

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Miriam’s Lantern: A short story by Ray Keifetz

Ray Keifetz is author of two poetry collections, the second published this month: Museum Beasts. Of the collection Richard Peabody, editor of Gargoyle Magazine writes: “Ray Keifetz’s new poetic myths are a mash-up of Oz, del Toro, and trippy end of the world nightmare vibes. Come down these barbed wire boulevards filled with graves, ghosts, …

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The Goose: Issue 20.1 is now available

The Canadian environmental arts journal The Goose just published their latest edition under the theme “Moving on Land.” And it includes an article by EcoLit contributor Nicole Emanuel! This issue is one of the biggest issues to date in The Goose! With three (3) editorials; eight (8) articles; fourteen (14) poems; fourteen (14) creative non-fiction pieces …

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Book Review: Pig by sam sax

Cover of sam sax's poetry book "Pig"; shows an abstract line drawing evoking a pig, on a pink and read background, with a flower in place of an eye.

The first poem in sam sax’s collection Pig concludes with these portentous lines: “in the beginning pig offered its body so the world / might be built & when this world ends, / pig will inherit.” There are a lot of beginnings, endings, offerings, and inheritances throughout sax’s book. Even before this first poem, there …

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New and forthcoming environmental literature

So many new and exciting novels and books of nonfiction and poetry have come across our desks and inboxes as of late. Here are just a handful that caught our eyes… B/RDS Beatrice Szymkowiak B/RDS endeavors to dismantle discourses that create an artificial distinction between nature and humanity through a subversive erasure of an iconic work …

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New and forthcoming environmental books

Here are a few recent books that came across our desks and inboxes… Afterglow: Climate Fiction for Future AncestorsEdited by Grist Afterglow is a stunning collection of original short stories in which writers from many different backgrounds envision a radically different climate future. Published in collaboration with Grist, a nonprofit media organization dedicated to telling stories …

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Book Review: Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz

Winner of the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, Natalie Diaz’s Postcolonial Love Poem is a powerful collection of ecopoetry that forefronts the interconnectedness of humans, animals, land, and water. Throughout, Diaz also underscores the relationship between the destruction of America’s natural landscapes and resources and the genocide of its indigenous peoples, demonstrating how ecological and …

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EcoLit Books Success Story: Cassie Premo Steele

Cassie Premo Steele is the author of Earth Joy Writing: Creating Harmony through Journaling and Nature, which was published by Ashland Creek Press in 2015. Since then, Cassie published two books of poetry: Beautiful Waters recounts her honeymoon in Oregon with her wife, and Tongues in Trees is a book of collected and new poems. She also published a new …

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