Call for Submissions: Companion Species

Edge Effects is a digital magazine produced by graduate students at the Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE).

They are currently seeking submissions around the theme of Companion Species. Submissions are due by February 20th and there is no fee.

Companionship is one of humanity’s foundational tenets. Scholars have recently challenged the anthropocentric view of companionship, acknowledging complex relationships of care both across human-animal species lines and within other-than-human species. While the term “companion animal” is relatively recent and derives from the precarious merging of pet-keeping and veterinary practices of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, animals have kept humans company for millennia, in culturally and historically situated ways. 

However, other animals are not humans’ only companions. In this special series, Edge Effects invokes Donna Haraway’s pioneering title and seeks submissions that push beyond static understandings of the companion animal, and explore a “bestiary of agencies, kinds of relatings, and scores of time” toward a complex, interconnected, and co-constituted web of companion species.

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