We’ve mentioned these amazing residencies in the past but deadlines are coming up for the year ahead and I wanted to mention them again — also since I suspect many of us are eager to go somewhere, anywhere…

Friends of Lakeside Lab 2020 Writer in Residence (Iowa)
As in the past, the residencies will take place at the Lab’s 147-acre field research station located in northwest Iowa. Each of the three selected candidates will be invited to campus (room and board included) during the summer semester and will receive a $1,000 stipend. Selected writers will be able to choose a three-week period between the dates of May 23rd and August 5th to attend campus and complete the program.
Deadline: April 6
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Sitka Center Residency (Oregon)
Calling all painters, novelists, climate activists, photographers, biologists, composers, poets, journalists, architects, film makers, performers, inventors, botanists, curators, foresters, ceramicists, playwrights, illustrators, oceanographers, print makers and change makers:
Deadline: April 15
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Playa Residency (Oregon)
Residencies are open to the global community of scientists, naturalists, biologists, musicians, designers, sustainability leaders, social practice artists, musicians, visual artists, writers, performing artists, and collaborations and individuals engaged in interdisciplinary work or other forms of creative work. PLAYA welcomes a range of applicants – from emerging scientists and artists to those with an established history of accomplishment. Alumni are welcome to apply if it’s been more than 2 years since your last supported residency at PLAYA.
Deadline: May 31
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Aldo & Estella Leopold Writing Residency (New Mexico)
The goal of the Aldo and Estella Leopold Residency at “Mi Casita” is to provide an inspiring retreat for distinguished and emerging writers, thinkers, and artists to reflect on and write about the relevance of Aldo Leopold’s ideas to 21st century cultural and environmental issues.
Deadline: February 25
Learn more
John is co-author, with Midge Raymond, of the Tasmanian mystery Devils Island. He is also author of the novels The Tourist Trail and Where Oceans Hide Their Dead. Co-founder of Ashland Creek Press and editor of Writing for Animals (also now a writing program).