Calling undergraduate writers: Sloth has returned

It’s always great news when a new environmental journal enters the world — or reenters the world. Here’s the update on Sloth: Following a hiatus that began in 2021, ASI is rebooting Sloth, its online peer-reviewed, academic, open-access journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary work by undergraduate students (scholars within three years of undergraduate degree). Masters and …

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Writing opportunity for undergrads and grads: Sloth, A Journal of Human-Animal Studies

The Animals and Society Institute has launched a journal exclusively for undergraduate and graduate students, to publish papers, book reviews, essays, and other work. Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the …

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