Calling undergraduate writers: Sloth has returned

It’s always great news when a new environmental journal enters the world — or reenters the world. Here’s the update on Sloth: Following a hiatus that began in 2021, ASI is rebooting Sloth, its online peer-reviewed, academic, open-access journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary work by undergraduate students (scholars within three years of undergraduate degree). Masters and …

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Writing opportunity: Regeneration: Environment, Art, Culture

Regeneration: Environment, Art, Culture is a new journal and is looking for submissions… Regeneration: Environment, Art, Culture is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal of the environmental humanities that brings humanists, activists, artists, and scientists into conversation around environmental matters. Published three times a year by the Open Library of Humanities, Regeneration prioritizes collaborative work that places …

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The Goose: Issue 20.1 is now available

The Canadian environmental arts journal The Goose just published their latest edition under the theme “Moving on Land.” And it includes an article by EcoLit contributor Nicole Emanuel! This issue is one of the biggest issues to date in The Goose! With three (3) editorials; eight (8) articles; fourteen (14) poems; fourteen (14) creative non-fiction pieces …

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A new environmental journal Springs to life

As a fan of the Rachel Carson Center I was excited to see the recent launch of the first edition of Springs, their new environmental journal: The Rachel Carson Center (RCC) is pleased to announce the launch of Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review. Our new open-access online publication features peer-reviewed articles, creative nonfiction, and artistic contributions that …

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Introducing the journal Ecological Citizen

We recently added The Ecological Citizen to our growing list of outlets for environmental writing. Editor Joe Gray was kind enough to answer a few questions about the journal: Tell us about The Ecological CitizenThe Ecological Citizen is an independent, free-to-access online journal that provides a forum for inspiring and mobilizing discussion with an Earth-centred …

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Introducing The Hopper

I’m pleased to introduce the new environmental literary journal The Hopper, along with a Q&A with the founders.   Tell us a bit about The Hopper and how it came to be. Green Writers Press (our mother organization) produced one issue of a more casual and smaller distribution magazine called Greenzine last April 2015. When Sierra Dickey …

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Writing opportunity for undergrads and grads: Sloth, A Journal of Human-Animal Studies

The Animals and Society Institute has launched a journal exclusively for undergraduate and graduate students, to publish papers, book reviews, essays, and other work. Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the …

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